How Video Service is Changing the Customer Experience

I am so surprised why video service and sales technology is not being utilized by more companies. We are currently working with a couple of very progressive companies that are going to be utilizing our Interaction Center here at Expivia for real-time two-way and one-way video customer service. One is looking to rebrand to a younger market while another is just looking to stay ahead of the curve.
Here are some of the key benefits of incorporating video as one of your primary customer service channels that I have seen.
Unique Experience:
Duh!… The FACETIME concept from Apple has started to get people used to the video experience. With so many organizations taking a wait and see approach on video it allows you to have an advantage with present and potential customers. This is a way to truly treat your customer in a way that no one else is doing! Will this be true in five years …probably not. The option for one and two-way video is there so customers do not have to feel uncomfortable if they do not want to be seen but the experience for this is still in a stage where it is unique and allows for a wow factor.
Urge to Buy:
When customers go on websites to shop they look at many different products on many different sites. There is not the same impulse to buy as with an in-store experience. Video allows you to leverage both of these concepts. A person can still be in the comfort of their home while still having a one on one experience to urge them to purchase a product or service. This gives organizations the ability to give an in-store experience with a friendly face and added sales techniques to a normal “service” or “sales” call
Technology is Here:
Through technologies such as WebRTC downloads and plugins are no longer needed. There is a way to do seamless video interactions that will not confuse or frustrate your customers. Routing with an IP address is also a capability so customers can be routed to the same agent to provide an agent and brand loyalty situation. Let me say that again. Routing is available to have a face to face chat with the same customer and associate if the customer chooses to do so. Instant loyalty to the brand and the associate can and will happen if done correctly.
Cost for Video Customer Service:
The cost is very little implement so more money can be put into the marketing budgets for the service offered. We have seen this firsthand how the lower cost for the video channel has afforded unique marketing opportunities to get customers to use the product. Instead of “forcing” customers to non-personal IVR’s you can now have people presented with personalized one on one experiences. These offer the great potential of upsell/cross-sell opportunities to turn your video channel into a profit center…no brainer.
Group Service/Fun!:
Imagine a bridal party a week before the wedding in different cities coming together through video to have a free chat with a company’s “beauty consultant”. There is an opportunity to explain new makeup techniques for the wedding season and what makeup would look the best for a certain complexion. After the session, the members of the wedding party get the products discussed at a discount sent directly to their houses. This is actually happening right now. Very powerful
Engagement With Video:
Many people are not close to a company’s store, do not want to deal with traffic, or prefer to shop online. Video allows people everywhere to have very close to the same experience as actually being in the store. With certainly staged backdrops it can be as if they are there. This is where the fun and imagination of video comes into play. You can really match the video experience with your brand.
Best practices are being developed to turn this service channel into a full-pledged profit center. Sales is centered on trust and customer engagement. If video is done right there is no better channel for this. The ability for sales opportunities for rising significantly. No longer are we just talking about a product. We can demo it…We have seen our sales conversion rates go up over 30% when video is enabled.
Augmented Reality:
There are many opportunities for you to show a customer what something will look like before they buy. Furniture stores can have a picture of a living room and show what their furniture would look like. Pictures can be taken of a face to see how a certain makeup or facial product would look. These experiences are unique and show the value of your product before purchase.
Cutting Edge:
Few companies are embracing this technology. This is one of those few times in business where there is a chance for your company to truly be an innovator and come to market as an early innovator. Delaying makes little sense to me. The cost is negligible, the technology is proven and the customer want is there. Get out in front…
Video is here. The companies that understand this will have such an advantage in the market place. Five years from now this will be commonplace. Are you willing to wait…your company may be commonplace by that time too?
Check Expivia out today, Click here!! We’re doing some really cool things and can enhance your customer service and sales.