The Case for Using Smaller USA Call Center BPO’s

April 2, 2021

So many huge call centers dominate the landscape. Thousand seat centers with locations that span the globe. When companies think of a call center or call center outsourcing, for many, these large companies are the first to come to mind. There are many other options though like the smaller USA Call Center BPOS’.

Imagine a high-end call center with all USA associates, best in class client services and lower costs, and more flexibility that utilizes the newest in Omnichannel communication channels and cater to companies that have the need to outsource 10-100 seats. These are your Smaller USA Call Centers.

Companies fall in love with the hands-on attitude, quality, and flexibility of the smaller center especially for growing organizations that are looking to outsource for the first time. The ability to grow with smaller outsourcing clients and really have an impact on their customers and their bottom line is something that really drives the operators of smaller high-quality centers and provides a great service to startup companies.

Some of the great qualities of a Flexible USA Call Center partner:

1.Quality- When you go offshore or a large call center agrees to take a smaller program are you comfortable with your program being in a room with hundreds if not thousands of other seats that are catering to many other clients? When you are the small fish in the pond, the time and care for your program get treated as such.

If you place that same 10-50 seat program in a 150-300 seat center the level of quality and care rises as the importance of your program to the outsourcer rises. I really believe that you should only outsource to a Contact Center where your program will take up at least 5% of their seats. You know they are going to really work day in and day out for your business. When you are only .00001% of a large central business do you really think they are maximizing your program….human and business nature tells a different story?

You get to focus on your core business while a professional US call center handles your sales and customer needs.

2. Pricing- This is one of the largest differences and most misunderstood pieces of outsourcing. For the most part (and speaking from my experience) smaller call centers are more entrepreneurial just like a startup. Their setup costs are less stringent. Their cost per hour or by the minute for the most part as well is very negotiable. They do not have the high overhead of other departments to have to bill to. I know at my center we can undercut all the big boys because of how lean we are, most of the smaller US centers think the same. When you are a smaller client you are at the will of the larger call center. They will charge you for everything because they can. You will pay setup fees, IT fees, and fees to set up reporting fees for scripting. The larger call center’s per hour or per minute rate will be set for you. Don’t even ask about changing a report or a script or god forbid the screen after the initial setup…you will be charged.

3. Client Service- This in my opinion is the biggest difference between the large and smaller centers. Many of the larger call centers have you call the operations person on the floor to have a production problem taken care of. They make you put in a trouble ticket for an IT change or call “creative” to have a scripting change done. I personally think that shows a lack of caring and empathy for a client. If the call center can’t show that to you, how are you to trust them with your customers!?

Most of the smaller call centers give you access to 24/7 client support with one person who understands your program inside and out. When you have a problem you get one point of contact for all your issues. You cannot put a price on that kind of peace of mind.

4. Partnership- Smaller call centers lend themselves to really partner with a client, something that cannot be undersold when dealing with startup partners. Try telling a large center you want to AB test a new product with just a couple of associates next week. That would never happen and if it did would come with exorbitant costs. With a smaller center not only would it happen, but they would also bend over backward to make its success. these centers cater to the needs of a startup.

Smaller centers don’t just “work” a program and go home. They monitor, find improvements, scour reports to make every program a client brings a success. You get so much more than human making or answering calls. I personally never stop thinking about my clients and their programs.

There are so many reasons why outsourcing to the right partner makes sense for your startup. There are call centers out there that cater to all companies no matter the size or budget. Do not think that the big boys are the only game in town. Rethink how outsourcing is done, your customers will appreciate it!

Check out what we can offer you here at Expivia on our home page at

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